Team Captains

Year 6 Leadership

The provision of a wide range of opportunities for leadership in Year 6 enhances our pupils’ self-esteem and self-confidence at Foxmoor. The roles and responsibilities of our Year 6 children:

  • Lead classes in at the end of play and lunch times
  • Monitor corridors and cloakrooms as children are entering the school
  • Supervise lunchtimes in classrooms helping younger children where necessary
  • Support ‘Key Stage One Sports Day’ by helping children access the activities on offer
  • Set a good example (by demonstrating exemplary behaviour) inside, outside and off school premises at all times
  • Show respect and good manners at all times
  • Have assemblies set up before the first class enters the hall
  • Show initiative
  • Alert members of staff to any problems in school or in the playground

Team Captains

As part of Year 6, children have the opportunity to take on even more responsibility by campaigning to become a Team Captain. The process involves all Year 6 children writing a manifesto detailing their skills, leadership potential and aspirations for the school year ahead. They then stand for election by presenting their manifesto to all of their peers in Key Stage Two. The children are given voting slips: a boy and a girl from each team are democratically elected. Once elected, Team Captains must maintain extremely high standards as they are role models for the rest of the school. This vital role at Foxmoor is a much sought-after position of responsibility in school and is taken very seriously by those elected.

In addition to the roles and responsibilities of all Year 6, Team Captains help to organise fundraising activities and competitions for Children in Need, Sports Relief, Red Nose Day and other selected charities. They lead assemblies explaining the charity work to younger pupils and outline the activities they have organised. Team Captains are responsible for collecting in and collating Team Points and Sports Day Points; they announce termly totals culminating in a final winning total and the awarding of the Team Cup at the end of the summer term. Other duties and activities are shaped by the individual Team Captains in post so may change on a yearly basis depending on those elected and the ‘promises’ made in the manifestos.

The Team Captains have suggestion baskets and display boards to enable two-way communication with pupils; they also have caps to wear outside so they are visible to their peers and approachable. Any suggestions are discussed with a member of staff and these are implemented by the school where appropriate.

Our Team Captains are expected to be positive role models in terms of attitude, attendance, behaviour, manners and appearance to all members of the Foxmoor family.