
Governors at Foxmoor Primary School


The governing body at Foxmoor work closely with Mr Bridgewater to ensure the school provides the best possible education for all pupils. This includes setting objectives, monitoring and evaluating progress and offering support and challenge. All governing bodies have these three main functions:

· To ensure clarity of ethos and strategic direction for the school

· To hold school leaders to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils and the performance of staff

· To ensure the effective use of school finances and overseeing financial performance

The structure of the governing body is laid out in the ‘Instrument of Governance’. Our team of nine is made up of several types of governor which allows us to ensure we have a broad range of skills and experiences necessary to be effective.

Click the link below for the Foxmoor Governing Body Structure 2024-25

Structure Document


Meet the Governors

Richard Bridgewater - Headteacher

I started my teaching career in Devon in 2005 and spent the first eight years as a class teacher and then as an Assistant Headteacher. Prior to joining Foxmoor in January 2019, I spent five years as a Deputy Headteacher at a two-form entry primary school in Worcestershire. I work closely with the Governing Body to set the strategic direction of the school but underpinning this is always what is best for the children in our care. In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my family, mountain biking, listening to Foo Fighters and playing the drums.

Marc Chevalier - Co-Opted - Chair

I have been a parent governor since November 2020. I am a father of three children, two who currently attend Foxmoor a third who will join them in a few years. In my job as an engineer for a large utilities company, I lead large research projects. This involves stakeholder management, coordination of large teams, procurement and budget management. I hope this experience means I have transferrable skills I can bring to the Governing Board. Foxmoor is going to part of my family's life for a 14 year period and therefore, I'm keen to support the school to continue to strive for the highest standards for the children's education and development. Outside of engineering and three kids (youngest born in April 2020) I just about squeeze in some time for running, cricket and a bit of sleep.


Diane Witts - Staff Governor

I began volunteering at Foxmoor in 1992 after 10 years working in secretarial positions across various industries.  In 1998, with my son now attending the school, I started working as a Teaching Assistant in Year 6 and as a midday supervisor.  Focusing on children with Special Educational Needs, I soon trained to become a Specialist Teaching Assistant, and identified opportunities to enrich the children’s school experience and improve their social wellbeing.  As a result, I founded two lunchtime clubs – Friday Club, and Sign Language Club – running both for over 20 years.  I hope that my broad experience – from industry, teaching, and administrative roles – will allow me to contribute to the Governing Body in a way that best serves the staff, parents, and most importantly, the children.  Outside of school, I enjoy visiting castles, museums, and other places of historical interest.


Amanda Read - Co-Opted

I joined the governing board as a parent governor in October 2021, and have one child at Foxmoor. As part of my role working for a national charity, I support volunteers across the West Midlands, and support a team of Regional Managers in the north of England to deliver the charity’s services. I look forward to supporting the Foxmoor team over the next few years and playing a part in the future of the school.

Nathanael Roome - Co-Opted

I am a parent of two children currently attending Foxmoor, a secondary school Physics teacher and an Educational Researcher in Cheltenham. From personal experience, I know the potential for an excellent education to transform lives so I share the high standards and high expectations  that have made Foxmoor such a success and recognise the exceptional start this hands our children. In any spare time, I can be found on a Jitsu mat, keeping up to date with physics and technology developments or failing to grow anything but weeds in the garden.

Charlie Yolland-Jones - Parent Governor

Hi everyone. I am a parent of two children at the school and am actually a former pupil of Foxmoor a long time ago. Since then, I have spent many years in education as a primary school class teacher, holiday camp manager, PE specialist, and sports coach in the local area. My passions involve anything sporting related and I try my best to keep fit by running. I currently provide IT and data protection solutions to my, mostly education, customer base. Ensuring users have the best technology platforms to make their jobs easier and more secure. I will give my best to this role utilising any of my experience or knowledge that may be useful; whilst also working alongside my fellow governors, staff, and school community in continuing to make Foxmoor a school we are all proud of. Please do come and say hello if you see me at drop off or pickup times. Thanks.

Natasha Dent - Co-Opted

I’ve joined the board in the hope of offering some knowledge and experience around children’s well-being. I have a long career working with children and families, and my particular passion is around mental health and education. I know through experience, the important role schools, and school staff play in supporting young people to thrive. I hope to provide a useful voice on the board to ensure all children at Foxmoor do so.

In my spare time you’ll usually find me outdoors, playing in the park or walking the dog with my family.



Rob White - Co-Opted

I work for a London local authority. I manage school place sufficiency so have strong links with school admissions and the capital delivery team who expand schools. I do pupil forecasts which is challenging but essential to determine future need for school places. I have been in this post for 15 years so have a lot of local authority experience and am taking the role of a governor to ensure I see things from a school perspective as well to better my role in managing schools


Richard Baker - Parent Governor

I have two children at Foxmoor School including one in Reception, so I will have a long relationship with Foxmoor. I am a Software Engineer/Manager which includes leading a project team, line management and teaching graduate engineers. In a previous role I was also responsible for security compliance and training of staff in this. As a family we feel that Foxmoor is a huge part of our lives and I would like to bring my experience in industry and technology to the governing body. I love getting involved in my children's education and value the opportunity to have an input into their school. In my spare time I enjoy family time, puzzles and playing piano and guitar.


Emily Barker - LA Governor

I joined to board as co-opted governor in September 2023 and have two children at Foxmoor. My career to date has been in the Voluntary and Community Sector working for national emergency response organisations in a variety of roles including health and safety, opperations, project management and research. I currently work as a social policy researcher for a local voluntary sector organisation. Outside of work I enjoy reading and running.



Kate Young - Co-Opted

I got to know Foxmoor through weekly visits as a volunteer for “Read with Me”, hearing year 1 children reading. I’m a recently retired occupational therapist and worked in children’s’ services for the last 17 years of a 40 year career. I worked in the NHS, in schools supporting children with EHCPs, and in social care managing equipment services and housing adaptations. I hope I can use this experience to support the Foxmoor team. I love to get out and volunteer for the Wildlife Trust, I’m in a local choir, and draw paint and make things in a serious way.


Governor Type Name Start Date Finish Date Roles and Committees Link Governor Role Business Pecuniary Interests Declared Attendance FGB Meetings Current Year 24-25 Attendance at Resources Meetings Current Year 24-25 Attendance at P&S Meetings Current Year 24-25
Headteacher Ex Officio Richard Bridgewater 01.01.19   RC and P&SC   Staff 2/2 3/3 2/2
Staff (voted by staff) Diane Witts 01.01.2023 01.01.2027 P&SC   Staff 1/2   2/2
Co-Opted by FGB Amanda Read 20.10.21 20.10.25 P&SC Safeguarding and LAC None 2/2   2/2
Co-Opted by FGB Marc Chevalier 10.10.24 09.10.28

FGB Chair (28.6.2021)
Vice Chair of RC

Governor training and induction None 2/2 3/3  
Co-Opted by FGB Rob White 10.10.24 10.10.28 RC     2/2 3/3  
Co-Opted by FGB Nathanael Roome 23.3.21 23.3.25 FGB Vice Chair & Chair of P&SC SEND None 2/2   2/2
LA Governor Emily Barker 05.10.23 05.10.27 Chair of RC Health & Safety and Premises None 1/2 3/3  
Associate Governor - appointed by FGB Laura Smith 05.10.23 05.10.24

Voting rights for P&SC only

  None 2/2   1/2
Parent (voted by parents) Charlie Yolland-Jones 16.01.24 16.01.28 P&SC   Works for IT company 2/2   2/2
Co-Opted by FGB Natasha Dent 23.04.24 23.04.28 P&SC   None 2/2   2/2
Parent (votedby parents) Richard Baker 08.11.24 07.11.28 P&SC   None 1/1    
Co-Opted by FGB Kate Young 14.01.25 13.01.29 P&SC   None 1/1    


We have two committees that meet regularly in addition to the full governing board meetings to focus on more specific areas of the school.
The Resources Committee (RC) covers aspects such as finance and budgets, staffing, premises, health and safety and compliance.
The Performance and Standards Committee (P&SC) focuses on curriculum, standards, safeguarding, pupils and the community.
In addition to the committees, we have some ‘nominated governors’ who take responsibility for some specific areas, such as safeguarding and SEND.

If you would like to contact the governing board or would be interested in becoming a governor then please get in touch through the school office or by emailing either the Clerk to the Governors or the Chair of Governors.

Mr M. Chevalier - Chair of Governors  -

Mrs K. White - Clerk to the Governors -